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At Holy Trinity, our vision and Christian values are at the heart of everything we do and play a vital part in our pupils’ education, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Good relationships are fundamental to our ethos of ‘I can, you can, together we can grow to be the best that God created us to be which is underpinned by the Bible verse ‘Love one another as I have loved you’ John 15:12.  We endeavour to ensure that PSHE & RSE is faith sensitive, inclusive and inspiring enabling children to make responsible and well-informed choices showing respect for differences of lifestyle and opinion.


We follow the Bible based version of the ‘HeartSmart’ resource which focuses on 5 key principles: how important, valued and loved we are, the importance of others and how to love them well, how to process negative emotion and choose forgiveness to restore relationships, how to bravely communicate truth and be proud of who we are and developing a growth mindset and resilience, knowing there is a way through every situation, no matter how impossible it may seem. Our learning involves acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs, values and attitudes. 

In Early Years, we have selected the Early Learning Goals that most closely link to the PSHE & RSE National Curriculum.



Our PSHE and RSE curriculums are taught in half termly thematic units following the ‘HeartSmart’ lesson plans and supplemented with other resources as appropriate. Heartsmart brings together PSHE and RSE education, emotional, Spiritual and religious development, as well as encompassing British Values in a comprehensive scheme of learning. The sequences of lessons in each subject area are connected, progressive and provide a purposeful narrative for learning.  Lessons signpost key words, building a rich vocabulary to develop understanding and are delivered in a creative manner, using many approaches such as role play, discussion and games in groupings of various sizes which enable children to build confidence and resilience and develop well-being. Lessons in RE, Collective Worship, Science, Computing and PE as well as Circle Time and Show and Tell, support and reinforce key ideas in the PSHE and RSE curriculums helping children to embed their knowledge and skills. Citizenship and British Values are also taught by weekly Collective Worships based around the Picture News resources.



Through exploring the themes of families and people who care for us, caring friendships, respectful relationships, online relationships, being safe, mental wellbeing, internet safety, physical health and fitness, healthy eating and health and prevention, children develop an age appropriate vocabulary to articulate their feelings and needs. They also develop an age appropriate understanding of the skills needed to develop and maintain good relationships and keep themselves physically and emotionally safe and well. Children reflect on their emotional literacy skills at the end of each HeartSmart thematic unit, encouraging them to be the best they can be